Medieval Times

Lay down your surfboard and pick up a broadsword at this theater restaurant that recreates all the pageantry of the medieval past.

Jousting knights in armor and giant, roasted turkey legs are not the first things that spring to mind when thinking of Southern California. But step inside the castle walls of Medieval Times and for two memorable hours you’ll completely forget about the palm trees and beaches outside. Watch a medieval tournament unfold in an indoor arena while enjoying a hearty meal fit for a king.

The castle doors open 75 minutes prior to show time. Arrive early to catch a knighting ceremony, explore the Hall of Arms and Torture Museum, and to get close to the Master Falconer and his powerful birds of prey. Inside the arena, the seats are filled on a first-come, first-served basis, so it pays to be early.

Once the tournament begins, cheer your favorite lance-wielding riders and swordsman as they do battle on the field below. In the stands, the King’s Court oversees the contest, adding a rich narrative and pageantry to the epic duels of honor and love. Everyone is dressed in authentic period clothing, and visitors are often bestowed with crowns, banners and play weaponry.

Cheerful servants deliver meals to your table, but don’t ask for cutlery; you are expected to eat with your hands, just as they did in medieval times! The menu, however, has kept pace with the times and vegetarians and others with special dietary needs are well catered for.

The extensive gift shops offers medieval decor items should you wish to transform your condominium into a castle.

Medieval Times elevates the concept of theater restaurant to a spectacular level; the company operates nine “castles” across America and employs thousands of actors, horse riders, technicians and support staff. You’ll find the Orange County castle on Beach Boulevard in Buena Park. It’s best to pre-book and there is plenty of parking available.