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Revealed! We’ve found the most uniquely Aussie towns

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The results are in! Wotif’s top 10 Aussie towns for 2018

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As fun as staring at tail-lights on Brisbane’s M1 can be, sometimes we just want to hit the open road and escape the rat race. There is so much to experience in Queensland, and so much beauty that can’t be enjoyed from the window of a plane or train. Here are some of the grandest …

Your family-holiday success can hinge on where you stay. Will everyone have enough room? Is it close enough to everything? Can you get five minutes of peace? Luckily, you’ve got us around, so we’re shooting over our top five New Zealand resorts to keep you and the kids happy (and let them think it’s all …

Here’s the deal. We know that 67%**of Aussies view a local holiday as an opportunity to reinvest in the local economy and support regional communities. We do too, so we wanted to give you some AUS-spiration to help you get out there and see the best that this great nation has to offer. So, we …

With Australia Day just around the corner, we decided to answer a very important question: which are the must-see Australian towns for 2018? With 49% of Aussies looking to make their next trip a local one**, and two thirds of Australians seeing domestic travel as a way to reinvest in the local economy**, it was …

I’d always loved travelling, and having worked for for 5+years, I’d done a lot for both work and play. But when I was given the opportunity to live and work in Bangkok, it pushed me to the edge of my comfort zone. However, I’m happy to say that I took the experience by the …

Everyone has cherished memories of their family holidays. Sure, the occasional fights and arguments and awkward family photos may have made some of those memories ones you’d rather forget. But once you get older, and you start handing over your own hard-earned cash for flights and hotels, you realise the value – literally! – of those …

Just getting your children into the car to begin a holiday can be like herding cats. It’s not easy — having young kids and taking them on the road is an absolute mission. So, these are the seven trials every parent must endure if they are to battle all the odds and take a toddler …

Let’s face it, as exciting as they may sound, business trips can be hectic, tiring, stressful and anything but relaxing. But there are plenty of ways to get the most out of your destination, and enjoy a little ‘bleisure’ – business mixed with leisure – to make your trip feel more like a getaway. Do …

While Queensland’s pristine beaches remain the most popular mid-year holiday choice, this year’s July school holidays data reveals Aussie families are beginning to buck the trend, with Australian ski fields in for a bumper season, and an increased interest in warmer climates overseas. The hot list: movers and shakers Wotif’s predicted ‘mover and shaker’ …