12 ways travel helps you find your true self

OK, I promise not to go all Eat, Pay, Love on you. But the truth is that travel is an awesome way to get to know yourself and reconnect with the things that matter most to you. And if you write a best-selling book along the way, so be it ;P

Here are 12 ways travel can introduce you to the Real You:

1. Organising a trip. Are you a planner (someone who likes to plan ahead and keep a schedule) or a pantser (someone who likes to fly by – you guessed it – the seat of their pants)? The first time you have to organise your own trip, you’ll find out!

2. No distractions. Work, bills, traffic, chores, vegetables… Everyday life is full of boring, stressful stuff, and too much of that can make you forget what’s really important. So ditch it all and contemplate the meaning of life over a cocktail.

3. Missing (or almost missing) a flight. You thought you were a great time manager, but the day you heard your name announced over the airport loudspeaker while you were still doing security checks was the day you realised you were wrong. But cheer up! It was also the day you discovered how fast you could run.

4. Losing your luggage. There’s no better way to find out how low your personal hygiene standards can go. A pair of undies can totally last for three days… right?

5. Travelling solo. Nothing like a little quality time with You, Yourself, and, uh… You to figure out who you really are. Just try not to start talking to yourself. It’s rarely a good look.

6. Travelling with partners. Before your trip, you would have said you were meant to be. After your trip – and a week of their bathroom-hogging, blanket-stealing, dirty-clothes-dumping ways – you’re practicing your best “It’s not you, it’s me” speech. Yep, travelling with someone is a true test of any relationship and a great reminder of what (and who) you can live with.

7. Trying new things. You’re in a new place, surrounded by strangers. Your travel buddy is the only one you’re ever going to see again, and you’ve sworn them to secrecy. So do it! Strap on that bungee cord, sign up for that life-drawing class, or try out that new ‘do. Who knows where you’ll find your new passion (or look)?

8. Learning a new language. You might be a hyperpolyglot and not even know it! Note: ‘hyperpolyglot’ is just a fancy word for someone who’s gifted at learning new languages (but if you are one, you’ve probably already figured that out). If you’re more of a hyperpolyNOT, international travel might help you find out if you’re a genius mime artist instead.

9. Trying new foods. Fussy eaters, I feel your fear. When I was young, all I ate was chicken, potatoes, and chocolate. But trying new foods is part of the fun of travelling, and the more things you try, the more your palate expands. 10 years of eating and travelling later, and I’m now someone who’ll eat anything – including gin-soaked scorpions! Who’d have thunk it?

10. Surviving airline food. OK, so there’s still one food I don’t like. It’s a truth universally acknowledged that airplane food is (almost) universally gross. But there’s a silver lining to this mushy, flavourless cloud. After a couple of long-haul flights, you’ll learn: how strong your stomach is; how long you can go without food; and how much you’re willing to pay for a mini can of Pringles. All invaluable knowledge!

11. Meeting people just like you. Whether it’s in relation to your culture, your gender or sexual identity, your politics, or your interests, sometimes it’s hard to find other people who share your experiences and world view. So go to them. Find a destination or event that speaks to you, then get yourself there and find your peeps!

12. Meeting people completely unlike you. This one’s kind of the opposite of the previous point, but it’s just as important. Aside from being lots of fun, getting to know people who are different to you will introduce you to new ideas (and, possibly, foods) and help you better understand other people’s points of view. It might even change your mind on some things…

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